Sound Stage & Recording Studio Detroit Pontiac Michigan

SystemsAmek mozart analog recording near detroit

Speaker System

  • Augsperger designed cabinets with Double 15" TAD 1603s and TAD 4001 / Northwest 340 horn combo.  The cabinets are bi-amped  with Bryston. BSS FDS-366 digital crossover, voiced by Bob Hodas.

Control Room Dimensions:

  • Classic 25x25' with 52 degree corner killing front speaker walls & 45 degree back corners. Works. Solid 3" walls and ceiling construction. Room tuned and maintained by Bob Hodas in California.


Control Room Isolation from Studio

  • 45db @ 60cps


  • Amek Mozart 80 input 


  • Ampex MM1200 2 inch 16 track with take-up reel tension mod
  • Otari RADAR



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Slap Echo monster is  ONLINE

No headphone Tracking

Magnetic Recording * 17 West Lawrence Street * Pontiac, MI 48342 * (248) 332-8119